
How Is Pornography Linked To Sex Trafficking?


In this podcast, we will be exploring the connections between sex trafficking and pornography. We are asking the question: “How does pornography relate to sex trafficking?” Adam sits down with Elijah Rising staff members Micah Gamboa and Brittany Throckmorton to discuss the prevalence of trafficking within the porn industry.

In the second half off the podcast, Brittany and Adam talk about the importance of education in curbing sex trafficking. We also discuss the use of pornography in the grooming process of trafficked teens/adults.

Sex Trafficking and Pornography Are Inextricably Linked

Sex trafficking at its core is the exploitation of a vulnerability. Anytime somebody else is profiting off of the commercial sexualization of somebody else that is essentially trafficking.

According to a study done in 9 countries, 49% or more of people in sex trafficking situations had pornography made of them during the time of their exploitation. (link to study) Currently, porn sites have no industry standards for verifying consent or even the age of people in porn films.

A growing trend in pornography is the preference for younger people portrayed in films. Titles include words like teens, virgins, first time, children, and daddy-daughter. These portray rape, pedophilia, familial trafficking and child sexual abuse.

We Need To Have More Conversations About Porn

Brittany talks about the importance of sexual education. The negative impact of not educating young people is that they’re finding themselves involved in pornography, or viewing porn. Although a person may start off with just watching porn on the internet, it often turns into an addiction and then turns into fueling the trafficking industry.

Not to mention the role pornography often plays in the grooming of young children and possible sex-trafficking victims. Porn is often used as education for young/ inexperienced people, and as a modeling agent for acts they will be expected to perform. Watching sexually explicit and violent content on a screen serves to anesthetize the humanity of such acts by normalizing them; thus, making it easier to manipulate vulnerable subjects into taking part in them

Resources discussed in this episode:

The Elijah Rising Podcast

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